In Summairy

In Summairy

In Summairy

Transform commercial real estate leases into excel abstracts in seconds.

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Transform commercial real estate leases into excel abstracts in seconds.

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Transform commercial real estate leases into excel abstracts in seconds.

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Multiple AI models abstract the same lease to ensure consistent results.


Results in seconds at a fraction of the cost.

Results in seconds at a fraction of the cost.

Results in seconds at a fraction of the cost.




What is Framer?

Framer is a web builder for creative pros. Be sure to check out to learn more.

Is it easy to learn?

Framer is the fastest tool to build sites with, because you can ship your design immediately, instead of having to rebuild your design in code or a second tool.

Do I need to code?

Framer is an end to end tool that lets everyone design and ship web sites. You don’t need a frontend team or web programming course. Just basic canvas skills.

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In Summairy, LLC 2024
